There is considerable evidence that the most successful organisations are those that are well governed. We undertake bespoke reviews of governance and leadership for public sector bodies, including well led reviews for NHS foundations trusts and providers, for charities and not for profit organisations, including social housing providers,
There is considerable evidence that the most successful organisations are those that are well governed. We undertake bespoke reviews of governance and leadership for public sector bodies, including well led reviews for NHS foundations trusts and providers, for charities and not for profit organisations, including social housing providers, recognising that each and every organisation is unique and that their challenges and starting positions are different. Our reviews are undertaken by a highly experienced team who have a strong track record of working at the most senior levels and who understand your circumstances. Our approach is practical and realistic, but always developmental.
We have worked with a range of new and established organisations to help design a governance model for them that is not only legally compliant but meets the needs of regulators and is based on governance best practice within the UK and internationally.
Increasingly, we are working with different health care systems and facilitating a mode
We have worked with a range of new and established organisations to help design a governance model for them that is not only legally compliant but meets the needs of regulators and is based on governance best practice within the UK and internationally.
Increasingly, we are working with different health care systems and facilitating a model of system governance that connects all key organisations, respects their statutory responsibilities, builds a partnership approach to risk management and enables progress to be made across major areas of service change.
We offer bespoke development support to boards and senior leadership teams. A key feature of this work is that we provide a confidential, comprehensive and robust assessment of boards, chairs and chief executives, enabling them to contribute to board effectiveness, corporate governance and the development of the unitary board.